Where To Place Himalayan Salt Lamp For Feng Shui

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The short answer is that you must place your salt lamp according to Feng Shui principles.

If you wish to find out more, you are welcome to read on.

Feng Shui

The practice of Feng Shui, which means “wind and water” in Chinese, was developed over 3,000 years ago to enhance the quality of life by balancing yin and yang energies.

It all sounds a bit New Agey now, but it’s still used for modern homes and businesses.

Basically, Feng Shui is about arranging objects in certain locations according to specific principles.

A traditional room might have the furniture arranged so that the bed is positioned perpendicular to the headboard (reserving its restful energy), while an entrance is flanked with plants to welcome positive chi into our home.

Though science has found no definitive evidence that a particular arrangement will bring luck or balance, many Feng Shui fans believe in the practice.

They choose to arrange objects with Feng Shui principles in mind because they feel better about their home if they do.

And why not? Arranging your furniture this way can make you feel good, and who doesn’t want that?

The Golden Mean and the Allure of Balance

Feng Shui uses a mathematical formula to help you calculate the amount of energy that would be best placed where. In fact, feng shui originated as an ancient Chinese method for measuring distance using a bamboo frame divided into 24 equal parts.

Those who could memorize it were taught how to use it correctly.

The purpose was to create perfectly balanced homes according to an ideal ratio.

For example, if you take a length of 2 units, divide it in half and place 1 unit at each end; if you take half that and put it between those opposite ends, you’ve created a harmonious flow of energy.

This ideal ratio is called the Golden Mean, a mathematical formula that produces aesthetic balance.

This idea isn’t new: nature uses symmetry to attract us to beautiful examples like flowers or snowflakes.

Symmetry exists whenever two side-by-side shapes are exact mirror images of each other. We’re drawn to symmetry and balance because it makes us feel comfortable.

Feng Shui aims to create this kind of balance in our lives by taking one part of the equation and doubling it (or halving another).

How Does Feng Shui Relate To Slat Lamps?

The use of lighting in feng shui can fix a range of chi energy issues and improve your overall mood.

Choose a suitable feng shui light fixture to fix any number of chi energy issues.

If you need to infuse more yang energy in a bedroom, you may add feng shui lighting.

Lights in feng shui are supposed to illuminate problem areas, but it’s all about chi energy in everything feng shui relates to.

Solar energy is also manifested in the sun (light), which produces heat similar to solar power.

Balancing Chi Energy with Light

The role of light in creating a balanced chi environment is significant. Darker rooms tend to have more yin energy.

If there aren’t enough skylights or windows in your home, you can remedy this by placing lighting in appropriate places within your rooms.

The rooms in which you perform many tasks and activities, such as the kitchen, hobby room, and reading area, require the best lighting.

Balancing Elements With Light

Since fire is an element associated with light, if an area of your home is too woody, you can counteract it with bright lights.

Several feng shui practitioners recommend overhead lighting complemented by a fan since the movement of the blades will fan the light.

Make The Best Choice When It Comes To Full Spectrum Lighting

Where there’s a lot of activity, you’ll want a full-spectrum light to provide the best lighting.

The outdoors can be brought in by using full-spectrum lighting. Avoid placing full-spectrum lighting in your bedroom and select bulbs with soft light for relaxing purposes.

The soft tones of your Himalayan salt light are perfect for calming energy, so it is highly recommended to place them in your bedroom.


Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement; it uses the placement of items in different areas of your home to improve the quality of your life.

Feng Shui practitioners believe that positive energy flows throughout the world and that one can influence it by placing objects in the proper locations around the house, and Himalayan salt lamps should be placed according to these tenets.

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